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astoria matilda greengrass 4 330 by astoria matilda greengrass
Dec 29, 2010 12:14:51 GMT 10


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Malfoy Manor is a handsome manor house surrounded by elaborate gardens, including a fountain and roving white peacocks, and enclosed by wrought-iron gates that permit select individuals to pass through them as if they were smoke. The interior is described as sumptuously decorated and includes ornate furniture, marble fireplaces, and gilt mirrors. It has a large entrance hallway with portraits lining the walls and a stone floor mostly covered by a magnificent carpet. Many of the activities of the Death Eaters took place in the drawing room, which had purple walls and a large chandelier that was eventually destroyed by Dobby during the escape of several prisoners. These prisoners were held in the secret room below the drawing room. According to Draco Malfoy, the family's collection of Dark artifacts were hidden below ground level in this room so as to prevent any from being seized during Ministry raids. During Lord Voldemort's stay in the manor, the function of this room changed to that of a holding cell for the aforementioned prisoners.
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