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newBookmarkLockedFalling just friends *blaine/astoria
blaine edward morris 5 218 by astoria matilda greengrass
Dec 9, 2010 1:23:57 GMT 10


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The Morris Manor, sitting on the outer lines of the city of Brighton, England, is home to one of Manchester's best Chaser's and his one son and daughter. The house consists of 7 full bedrooms, 9 baths, a study, a library, a kitchen and a cellar. To say it is elaborate and a bit overdone is an understatement, but the Morris family likes their glamour that comes along with the money from Quidditch. The decoration on the inside is a bit overdone, all decked out in dark colors and portraits of Morris ancestors that came before the current living family. The house also includes a flat rooftop where the children tend to sneak up to to get away from everything, but that's a secret for them to know and you to find out.
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